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Drink lots of water: an urban myth

20th January 2008

The Christmas edition of the British Medical Journal usually has a series of light-hearted articles in it. Last month's copy was no exception. In one of the articles, entitled "Medical myths" (Vreeman & Carroll 2007), the authors wrote "We generated a list of common medical or medicine related beliefs espoused by physicians and the general public, based...

“The demon drink” – social costs and social responses

18th January 2008

Modest alcohol intake seems pretty harmless and maybe even does a bit of good healthwise. However last month's editorial (Gilmore and Sheron 2007) in the Christmas edition of the British Medical Journal drummed in points it's important to remember.

Ian Gilmore is President of the Royal College of Physicians and his co-author, Nick Sheron, is a specialist in liver diseases. In the...