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Folic acid – should we take supplements?

19th April 2008

A GP friend recently asked me about taking folic acid supplements. He said that in a discussion about supplements with a knowledgeable medical colleague, he'd been told that "there is good evidence to show that we should all be taking ... folic acid." The friend apparently takes 800mcg/day.

This is an interesting issue and, as with much of medicine, the answer isn't cut and...

Some interesting articles from March ‘08

17th April 2008

Here are details and links for twenty seven mainly March articles that I found interesting. Most of these articles (and many others) are also listed on the searchable Connotea online database.

Alloy, L. B., L. Y. Abramson, et al. (2008). "Behavioral Approach System and Behavioral Inhibition System sensitivities and...

Ways to happiness and life satisfaction

11th April 2008

On April 9 I wrote "On the fine Authentic Happiness website, Seligman and colleagues discuss three entwining roads to happiness and what they call "the full life". One of these three roads is maximising and appreciating positive emotions - very much the territory of savouring....