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Savouring, mindfulness & flow

9th April 2008

In a post on 27 January I wrote about "savouring" - the appreciation of positive experiences. Savouring is, as it's name suggests, a sort of running the positive experience around in one's mouth, really tasting, valuing and enjoying it - a bit like slow, careful appreciation of a good wine....

Fish oil and depression – take at least 1 gm of EPA daily

26th March 2008

A recent study in the British Journal of Nutrition (Rogers, Appleton et al. 2008) throws doubt on the value of fish oil supplementation as a treatment for depression. The authors stated " ... while a majority of previous trials have focused on individuals with severe depression in clinical settings and have mostly administered high amounts of n-3 LCPUFA (n-3 long-chain, poly-unsaturated...

NICE guidelines – IBS, osteoarthritis, and mental health topics

24th March 2008

The UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence is "the independent organisation responsible for providing national guidance on the promotion of good health and the prevention and treatment of ill health." NICE guidance applies particularly to England and Wales, but the opinions they come to are very carefully weighed up and can be of use to health professionals wherever...