Interpersonal group work
For the man who wears shoes, the whole world is covered with leather.
- Traditional
Here are a set of handouts and questionnaires that I often use when I'm running interpersonal process groups. Also on the left of this page you'll find links to a session-by-session description of one such group. As the "Group therapy, background information" leaflet (see below) comments: "Group therapy simply means that therapeutic work is done in groups rather than one-to-one. Many different types of therapy have been tried in group format. Rather than construct a long list of such therapies, it may be more helpful to divide the many types of therapy group into two general categories - structured groups and process groups. Structured group therapy often involves the transfer of skills and knowledge. It may feel a bit like a classroom situation. Frequently, structured groups are used as a cost-effective way of delivering similar forms of therapy to individual one-to-one work.