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2 years of blogging: 5,009 website visits last month

I was quietly chuffed this morning to go into Google Analytics and find that, for the first time, there had been over 5,000 visits to this website in the previous month.  Very small beer compared with commercial sites, but still encouraging numbers.  It's a nice coincidence that the blog went live on 9th October 2008, exactly two years ago.


... and you too have come into this world to do this, to go easy, to be filled with light, and to shine.

- Mary Oliver

Dr James Hawkins specializes in both the treatment of psychological difficulties and in helping people enhance their health and wellbeing. James has worked as a medical doctor and also has extensive training in psychotherapy. He has lectured and run workshops both nationally and internationally. He stays very up to date with emerging research and produces a quarterly newsletter that goes out to therapists & interested members of the general public around the world.  This broad background of skills means that it is often possible to find ways to help even when a problem has proved resistant to previous attempts at therapy.

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