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Nourishing self-esteem – first post

30th August 2008

People who are low in self-esteem are often self-defeatingly, self-protective.  They would like other people to accept and respect them for the good qualities they have.  However they fear that, if they are seen to have certain strengths, they will at some stage fail to live up to other's expectations and will end up being humiliated (Baumeister, Tice, & Hutton, 1989).  This pattern...

Organization of teratology information specialists (OTIS)

29th August 2008

Teratology is the study of the effects that drugs, medications, chemicals and other exposures may have on the unborn child during pregnancy.  Particulary when a mother is taking a medication that is helping her stay well, it can be a difficult decision whether or not to stop taking the medication because of a possible risk to the fetus ... or because of a possible risk that...

Recent research: five studies on depression – including side-effects, young people, heart attacks, and bipolar disorder

28th August 2008

Here are the abstracts of five recent research studies on depression and antidepressants.  The first confirms earlier work showing an increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding with SSRI's (particularly if also taking NSAID's).  The second highlights the potential physical survival value of screening for and treating depression in people who have suffered a heart attack.  The third and fifth...