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Why write about my personal life for the blog?

3rd January 2009

I wrote this entry first in April of last year, but with my mother's illness and my decision to write about it, I felt it made sense to post this again.

The aim of this blog is to be helpful - for clients who come to see me, for fellow health professionals, and for other website visitors. It's pretty obvious that I may be able to offer something useful from my knowledge and...

Edie: New year intentions

1st January 2009

Sadness.  I woke feeling sad ... aching in my chest and then in my gut.  Not awful, just like a dull toothache, or a hurt, a wound.  Yesterday when I visited my mother in the Stroke Unit of Liberton Hospital, one of the more senior nurses came up to me as I was leaving asking to have a word with me.  She said that they were now waiting to transfer Mum away from the Unit to a geriatric...